Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Week 7, Thing # 16, Wikis

I absolutely loved exploring the various wikis. I went through several of the different links and found lots of great ideas. The Book lovers wiki was my favorite out of the ones that I explored. This wiki had a large variety of different postings that were all categorized in a way that made it easy to find material. My favorite part about the site though was the link to create your own wiki. Under this link there were numerous resources about creating a wiki the types of things that could/couldn't be done, the benefits, links for educators, and the best part of all FREE teacher materials. There were also some great ideas from other educators about how they have used wikis in their schools. Another bonus was the resource/help section, and for someone like me that is a big bonus because I often know what I am doing when I begin something but a few minutes in I find myself lost on the internet. I think that setting up a classroom wiki is an excellent idea and a wonderful forum for students to share ideas and thoughts about the books that they have been reading.

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